Corporate Design.


Here you will find all logos in the different permitted variants.

In the Quick Reference Logo Guidelines (currently german only) you will find a quick overview of how to use our logo. Please note that the use of our logo is only permitted with prior written consent.

Brand/Product manual

All design guidelines and the correct use of the logo can be found in the brand manual. You will also find a detailed description of our product and the fabular guidelines in the product manual.
Brand/product manuals

Press material

Press material

The following images are available for use in any press matters. These photos authentically represent our products, company values and mission. We’d like to invite you to discover and use our visual resources. If you have any questions or special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us, but please make sure to include the picture credits according to § 13 of the copyright law of the author “fab4minds Informationstechnik GmbH” if you use the content for press purposes. Content may only be used in connection with fab4minds. Any other use is strictly prohibited & will be prosecuted.

Brochures/Information material

fabular Flyer

Our brochures & information material are available for free download to all interested parties. We encourage you to use these resources for your research, presentations or information purposes. Please note that the brochures should only be used for non-commercial purposes. Any commercial use of our brochures without prior permission is therefore strictly prohibited. We are pleased to make our knowledge available to you and will be happy to answer any questions or specific concerns you may have.

Further downloads

Here you will find further links for downloading other files.
Powerpoint/Word template | Pattern

Press contact

For further requests and press inquiries, please contact our marketing department during business hours:

Katharina Croÿ
+43 2841 200 300 - 187

Celina Kisielewski
+43 2841 200 300 - 188