We change IT!

Are you ready for your dream job? Let's revolutionize the IT world together!

Join our team Our philosophy.

Teamwork makes the Dream work! Cohesion and communication are our top priorities. This is the only way we can create an optimal working environment. In our agile, 70-strong fabulous team, we cultivate friendly cooperation to strengthen the "we-feeling".

Open positions.

Job descriptions and online application process is currently only available in german language.

Why you should be part of our team Benefits.

Our top priority is the well-being of our employees!


To strengthen cohesion within the individual teams, we offer numerous team-building events, such as escape rooms.

Afterwork & company events

To strengthen the "we-feeling", fab4minds organizes regular company events and after-work parties.

Work-life balance

Flexible working time model & home office days enable a perfect work-life balance to optimally coordinate leisure and work.


Hot drinks, snacks and fresh fruit are available at every location. Depending on the location, there is optional weekly catering, self-made ice cream from our ice cream machine on hot summer days, as well as various cold soft drinks.

Training & education

Continuous training for our employees is particularly important to us. We are therefore happy to promote the opportunity for further education and training!

Work with a view

From our office on the 44th floor of the DC Tower, you have a breathtaking view of Vienna while working!

Get in contact.

Are you still unsure which job position best suits your qualifications? Then simply get in touch with our HR department:

Daniela Steindl
+43 2841 200 300 - 115